Python DBM Module

Python is, in a lot of ways, a very rich language...

Michael KAMM
Michael KAMM   Follow

Python is, in a lot of ways, a very rich language. After years of using it, I still regularly discover new parts of the ecosystem, even in the standard library. In particular, there are a few modules which are not very well-known, but can be very useful in some situations. Today I discovered dbm a persistent key/value store:

Quick start:

import dbm

with open('my_store', 'c') as db:
  db['key'] = 'value'
  print(db.keys()) # ['key']
  print(db['key']) # 'value'
  print('key' in db) # True

It behaves a lot like a dict except:

  • It persists its values on disk
  • You can only use str or bytes as key and values

The performance is also slower than a dictionary, but faster than sqlite3.

The benchmark consists in performing 10k writes and 10k random reads:

from random import random
import time

operations = 10000
writes = [str(i) for i in range(operations)]
reads = [str(int(random() * operations)) for _ in range(operations)]

# Create some records
for i in writes:
    db[i] = 'x'

# Read values in random order
for i in reads:
    x = db[i]

Here are the results:

  • dict -- total: 0.002 seconds, 0.23398 μs/record x 1
  • dbm -- total: 0.054 seconds, 5.35984 μs/record x 27
  • sqlite3 in-memory: total: 2.468 seconds, 246.84346 μs/record x 1234
  • sqlite3 file: total 42.407 seconds, 4240.69593 μs/record x 21207

Why is sqlite3 so slow? Well, the benchmark is probably not representative of the typical workload for sqlite (lots of individual insertions and selections). If we perform the same operations using executemany and one select of all the keys at once, we get:

  • :memory: -- total: 0.038 seconds, 3.81415 μs/record x 19
  • file -- total 0.071 seconds, 7.07369 μs/record x 35

It's much better, but still not as fast as dbm (when we persist to a file). So, if you have a workload where keys and values are added and retrieved very often, are always str or bytes and need to be persisted on disk, dbm is a serious contender!

The code used to benchmark can be found here:

import dbm
import sqlite3
import os

from random import random
import time

WRITES = [str(i) for i in range(MAX_RECORDS)]
    str(int(random() * MAX_RECORDS))
    for _ in range(MAX_RECORDS)

class SqliteDict:
    def __init__(self, con):
        self.con = con
        self.con.execute('CREATE TABLE store(key TEXT, value TEXT)')

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        with self.con:
            self.con.execute('INSERT INTO store VALUES (?,?)', (key, value))
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        with self.con:
            return self.con.execute('SELECT value FROM store WHERE key=?', (key,))

def sqlite3_mem_open():
    with sqlite3.connect(':memory:') as con:
        yield SqliteDict(con)

def sqlite3_file_open():
    with sqlite3.connect('file.sql') as con:
        yield SqliteDict(con)
    except os.FileNoteFoundError:
        print('Could not find', 'file.sql')

def dbm_open():
    name = 'dbm.db'
    with'dbm', 'c') as db:
        yield db
    except os.FileNoteFoundError:
        print('Could not find', name)

def dict_open():
    yield {}

def bench(db_gen):
    for db in db_gen():
        t = time.time()

        # create some records
        for i in WRITES:
            db[i] = 'x'

        # do a some random reads
        for i in RANDOM_READS:
            x = db[i]

        time_taken = time.time() - t
        print("Took %0.3f seconds, %0.5f microseconds / record" % (time_taken, (time_taken * 1000000) / MAX_RECORDS))

def bench_sqlite():
    with sqlite3.connect('db.sql') as con:
        with con:
            con.execute('CREATE TABLE store(key TEXT, value TEXT)')
        t = time.time()
        with con:
            con.executemany('INSERT INTO store VALUES (?,?)', (
                (k, 'x') for k in WRITES
        with con:
            con.execute('SELECT * FROM store WHERE key in ({0})'.format(', '.join('?' for _ in RANDOM_READS)), RANDOM_READS).fetchall()
        time_taken = time.time() - t
        print("Took %0.3f seconds, %0.5f microseconds / record" % (time_taken, (time_taken * 1000000) / MAX_RECORDS))

if __name__ == "__main__":