PHP Generators cheatsheet

A very usefull PHP Generators cheat sheet.

Michael KAMM
Michael KAMM   Follow

# PHP Generators

A highly opinionated PHP generator cheat sheet:

# General

In PHP ~5.5, a function containing yield becomes an instance of the Generator class, which acts like an iterator.

Each yield occurence marks a position. Calling next will move from the current yield to the next one.

Thanks to the send method, the Generator class acts also as a corroutine: you can send the returned value of the yield occurence.

A Generator function cannot return a value.

# Generator class

class Generator
    public function current(); // The yielded value.
    public function key();
    public function valid(); // Has the iterator been closed?
    public function next(); // Resumes execution.
    public function rewind();
    public function send($value); // Sends the value to be returned by the current yield, and resumes execution.
    public function throw(Exception $e); // Replaces the current yield with `throw $e;`

# Examples

# Simple example

function direct_generator()
    yield 1;
    yield 'index' => 2;

$generator = direct_generator();
echo $generator->current(); // outputs 1
echo $generator->current(); // outputs 2
echo $generator->key(); // outputs index

# Range example

Foreach internally calls current, key, next and valid methods.

function xrange($start, $end)
    $value = $start;
    while ($value <= $end) {
        yield $value;

foreach(xrange(1, 2) as $value) {
    echo $value; // outputs 1, then 2.

# Co-routine example

Calling the send method is like replacing the current yield with the given value.

function holy_grail_countdown($number)
    while (0 < $number) {
        $reset = (yield $number);
        $number = $reset ?: $number - 1;

$c = holy_grail_countdown(5);
foreach ($c as $number) {
    echo "$number\n"; // outputs 5, then 2 and finally 1.
    if (5 === $number) {